Senior Computer Science student, graduating May 2023.

I build web applications powered by large datasets.

Check out my work below, or click here to download my resume!


  • Community Comm

    The recent spike in political polarization that we are seeing in the United States is closely tied to the spread of misinformation online. Community Comm is a Chrome Browser Plugin that takes a user-centered approach to this problem by guiding the user's news-browsing experience with various data-driven interventions, and studying the efficacy of each. The application is being built using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and is supported by a Firebase back-end. Check out our research lab and our recent conference submission!

  • Shiny Shot Chart

    An interactive web application to visualize a chosen NBA player’s career shot-profile. The Shiny Shot Chart is powered by an RShiny backend and utilizes D3.js to render visualizations on the frontend. This is an individual project developed during the 2022 CompassRed Summer Internship period. Data sourced from via the NBA API for Python. Source code and documentation can be found here

  • Crime in Philadelphia

    An end-to-end data science effort to explore crime patterns in Philadelphia, PA over a 5-year span (2016-2020). Worked with a team of 3 other CompassRed interns to create a crime visualization dashboard and develop machine learning models to predict violent vs. non-violent crime based on various categorical data points regarding crime, poverty, and weather.

  • UD CIS Course Scheduler

    A web application designed for Computer Science students at the University of Delaware that allows students to map out the courses they plan to take. Students can choose from one of seven concentrations, drag and drop desired courses into their schedule, visualize unfulfilled requirements, and export degree plans to their local file system. For this project, I collaborated with two fellow students. See here for our GitHub repository. Built using ReactJS (Hooks), TypeScript, and Bootstrap.